With the new and free ETUF app, you are always up to date on what is happening in your club and have all the relevant club information and contacts at hand - even when you are on the move.
The most important functions at a glance:
- Self-management of master data: Change your own contact details or those of your children at any time and upload corresponding profile photos.
- Upload documents: Upload important documents, such as discount notices, certificates or other documents, in a data protection-compliant and secure manner, to your member administration via the app.
- Team area: View team-related news, browse team photo albums or use communication options with other members if they have approved this.
- Notification options: Here you can decide which content you would like to be notified about by your club and how (via push message or email).
- Data sharing: Decide for yourself which of your communication and contact data you want to share with other members of your team.
We hope you enjoy using the ETUF app and look forward to good reviews here in the store. Please send constructive criticism and ideas for further improving this app to: contact@clubity.com.
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