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About Gelapp: DNA&Prot Gel Analyzer

*In line with Android OS changes, please access local files using ES File Explorer, which will root the drive/SD cards. You will need to go in to ES File Explorer to perform the rooting first. Please note that Dropbox support is removed due to changes in Android and Dropbox.

This is the first android app that allows you to analyze gel (both agarose and PAGE) bands with a log graph automatically generated from the markers. It allows automatic detection and loading for future uses. Utilizing Gabor filter, this app allows users to improve detection of bands automatically. For poor quality images, users can click can manually draw a box on the desired band or click on the image to determine the specified location.

Images can be loaded from gallery or dropbox, making it very convenient. Best images are those generated through scanners, but will function with well taken photos from the mobile cameras.

Photos should be taken on a direct plane with the gel.

Features of this app includes:

1) Specification of agarose or PAGE.
2) Color identification of marker bands for PAGE.
3) Advanced imaging filters - Garbor.
4) Automated image processing with customized user input if necessary.
5) Saving of settings for image processing for future convenience.
6) Saving of markers for future convenience when using the same markers.
7) Simple and button based user interface.
8) Automated detection of bands.
9) Simple user-defined boundary box.
10) Log graph of marker automatically generated.
11) User defined location of specific bands.
12) Compatibility with landscape and portrait view of multiple sized tablets and smartphones.
13) Compatibility with screenshot functions of analyzed gel and log graph smartphones and tablets for publications or reports.
14) Readings displayed in gel image with highlighted boxes and calculated band size.
15) Cropping function for images prior to analysis.
16) Edit function to remove unwanted bands.
17) Different colored boxes for markers and bands.
18) Simple direct access to Image gallery for images.
19) Compatible with Sybr Green, EtBr agarose gel analysis.
20) Direct camera access.

Benefits of using this app for publications
1) Brings greater accuracy to your gel analysis instead of relying on approximations.
2) Value adds to publications and reports.
3) Useful teaching tool to science students.
4) Streamlined analysis, reducing human error and subjectivity - you can now trust the values reported by trainees and less experienced staff!
5) On the go analysis with the smartphone/tablet.
6) Automated analysis - no need for graph paper and tedious plotting.
7) The app is FREE!
8) The app is self-contained, no internet access needed (unless for dropbox analysis).

Android 6 users can get images from local "Image" gallery. Earlier Android version users will have support to DropBox. This is due to changes in Android 6, and is beyond our control.

For instructions to use, please watch video at

Userguide available as pdf at

*Latest phones e.g. Samsung Note 8 may have problems with camera saving. If there are such issues, do use gallery.

To cite, please use:

Sim, JZ.*, Nguyen, PV.*, Lee, HK., Gan, SKE. (2015). GelApp: Mobile gel electrophoresis analyzer. Nature Methods Application Notes. doi:10.1038/an9643

OR to the software direct in App store

Sim, J.Z., Nguyen, P.V., Gan, S.K.E. (2014) GelApp: DNA&Prot Gel Analyzer v1.2.[Mobile Application Software]. Retrieved from

This app is a product of the Antibody & Product Development Lab, Translational Research Division, Bioinformatics Institute, Agency for Science, Technology, and Research, Singapore.
Creators are: Mr SIM Jia Zhi, Mr NGUYEN Phi Vu, and Dr Samuel GAN.
(Poly intern) (Research Officer) (Assistant Principal Investigator)

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Nice. I hope it will solve the problem.
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cant do research without it
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