APD Anicare App provides information about your pet dog and cat.
APDAniCare App is an app that provides general pet care information such as vaccinations, diets and basic first aid procedures for dogs and cats. It informs users on important vaccinations and first aid to better protect your lovely dog and cat, especially vaccinations against fatal diseases. In the general care section, it guides you to assess the general well-being of your pet, and whether it is obese or underweight. Husbandry, Nutrition and dietary information for the pets of different ages are also provided, along with special needs.
Disclaimer: This app does not displace professional advice, and is providing info that is known to be correct by the contributer (s). APD does not verify these information and does bear responsibility for the consequences of the content. When in doubt, the user is advised to seek professional advice.
Created initially by graduates in the Diploma in Veterinary Sciences, this app would enable to care better for your pet!
Information for other animals are on the making.
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