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About Watcher of Realms - AP

Embark on an enchanting journey with Watcher of Realms, the real-time tactical RPG that fits in your pocket! Over 3 million downloads globally, Watcher of Realms is now available. Download now for free!

It's time to explore the mystical continent of Tya and immerse yourself in a magical world with 100+ unique heroes! To save this chaotic land engulfed in madness, assume the role of a tactical commander with a plethora of resources at your fingers. Build your camp, collect and manage heroes of diverse factions and races, unlock powerful faction lords, and challenge the evil Ancient Gods.

Game Features:

1. High-quality audio-visual effects. Incredibly immersive.
Realistically magical 3D models of heroes fleshed with exquisite details. Top-tier motion and facial capture technologies make your heroes incredibly vivid and lifelike.With premium CG and character designs in 360°, players will fall in love with customized animations which bring each hero to life.

2. Experience 100+ heroes to collect and upgrade!
Unlock and augment 100+ unique heroes from 30+ races and eight factions, forming a powerful team to resist an onslaught of countless monsters and demons. Every hero is worth upgrading, and collecting heroes of the same faction significantly impacts a battle.

3. Refreshingly diverse RPG elements.
Obtain rare resources from dungeon levels where gruesome monsters await. Strengthen and improve your hero's attributes by collecting gear, artifacts, and legendary skill dust to get the edge.Reinforce your camp and explore multiple game modes while leading your heroes to ultimate victory on the grandest battlefield of all.

4. User friendly and deeply strategic gameplay.
The diverse continent of Tya includes vast deserts, chilling dungeons, colossal mountains and more. With each stage posing new challenges, commanders must choose the best faction and hero combinations to survive. Charge into battle with your fearless heroes and activate their ultimate skills, AOE/magic damage, and healing spells with precision timing to defend your position!

5. Grand worldview, rich storylines.
Explore a range of chapters, maps, and levels. Epic faction and hero lore will provide you an immersive experience into the world of Tya’s magic. Each hero has a unique backstory waiting for you to discover!

6. More exciting BOSS battles.
Team up with guild partners to challenge the epic dragon and rush to the top of guild rankings.

7. Massive multiplayer PvP battles.
Original tower defense PvP mode will showcase your skills. With multiple PvP themes, you can climb player rankings and fight your way straight to the top!

Official Website:

Instructions for using system permissions
1. We need notification permission to send you major content reminders and exciting event recommendations.
2. We need access to your calendar to add important event times to your calendar.
3. We need storage permission to download shared images to your device.

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遊戲名稱:我の意外江湖遊戲廠商:StarBoom Studio題材:江湖、劇情、休閒類型:AFK、放置卡牌螢幕模式:橫屏成就探索:強俠客收集:強PVP:適中社交:適中強制社交:無【核心玩法】放置掛機:二十四小時掛機,領取海量資源主線關卡推圖:【PVE、資源】北峰塔爬塔:【PVE、資源】日常、周常任務:【活躍、資源】風雲爭霸、論劍:【PVP、排名、資源】賽季制玩法:每個賽季專屬玩法/全新俠客/賽季挑戰等休閒小游戲:擲骰子大富翁、打地鼠、龍門飛刀、烹飪等核心養成:俠客練度、陣容組成養成回退:資源無損初始號對養成的影響: 極小日常體力限制:無PVE/PVP策略核心:陣容搭配、站位、勢力羈絆核心戰鬥機制:全新設計數值平衡性:全新設計【硬體資訊】軟體大小: 1.9GB手機許可權:1.手機存儲許可權;2.手機設備資訊;官方FB粉絲主頁:官方FB粉絲團:聯絡客服:[email protected]【溫馨提示】*本軟體因涉及性(遊戲角色穿著凸顯性特徵之服飾),依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔16級。*本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。*請注意使用時間,勿沉迷或不當模仿,避免沉迷於遊戲。...

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