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About Nahw Meer Urdu نحو میر اردو

درس نظامی کے نصاب میں داخل فنِ نحو کی اہَم اور مشہور ترین کتاب جس میں آپ پڑھ سکیں گے:مدرسین کے لئے مدنی پھول، اسم ،فعل اورحرف کی عَلامَات کا بیان، تعدادکے اعتبارسے اسم کی اقسام، اسمائے عاملہ کا بیان، منصرف اور غیر منصرف کابیان اور بہت کچھ۔۔۔۔۔ ۔ ۔ ۔

Nahw Meer Urdu | نحو میر اردو mobile application you can read Arabic Grammar in Urdu which is also called Nahw Ki Kitab (نحو کی کتاب) with many useful features. If you are looking Urdu Nahw Meer, Tareefate Nahvia and nahw meer dawateislami with Nahwmeer Ki Urdu Sharah, so, it is for you. It is totally nahw meer urdu sharah.
In this app, the following books of al-Nawha are collected. You can enjoy all of them at the same time.
The original book
Nahomir Urdu with correction necessary
Al-Bashir Urdu Sharh Nakhmir
Al-Tanweer Urdu Sharh Nahomir
Badr Munir Urdu Sharh Nakhmir
Dars Nahomir Urdu Sharh Nahomir
Hadiya Sagheer Urdu Sharh Nakhmir
Image Urdu Sharh Nakhmir
Nahomir Urdu with practice
Rih-ul-Abeer Urdu Sharh-e-Nakhomir
Saee al-Faqeer Urdu Sharh Nahomir
Tabseer Urdu Sharh Nakhmir
Tanveer Urdu Sharh Nahmeer
Tazkir Urdu Sharh Nakhmir
Urdu translation of Sharh Nahomir
There are many books of Ilme nahw like Khulasa Tun Nahw, Hidayatun nahw kitab arbi, Tasheel un nahw book, Qawaid un nahw but the book Nahw Meer Urdu Sharh (نحو میر اردو شرح) the most famous one of the Darse Nizami Books in Urdu language. This book Nahwmeer contains the grammar of the Arabic language in Urdu Qawaid un nahw (قواعد النحو). It covers the subjects of grammar in the same order in a little more detail under the lessons. The author of this book is Meer Sayed Shreef Jurjani and the book Category is Darsi Kutub include in Darse Nizami and published by Maktaba-tul-Madina (dawateislami).

Features in this app:
Easy to use
simple ui
Auto Bookmark

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