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About HGDial Open Source

This new control will revolutionize UX forever!
HGDIAL is more than just a simple dial control. It is rich in features and designed to achieve maximum usage scenarios.

This Dial Features:

1 The ability to record the direction of rotation.
2 Allows precision rotation settings causing the dial to rotate at a different rate than the gesture (including the ability to rotate in the opposite direction of the gesture).
3 It records the number of gesture rotations.
4 It records the number of image rotations.
5 It has a cumulative dial setting. When enabled the rotation will occur relative to the touch; and disabled the rotation will start from the point where the gesture starts.
6 It has an advanced angle snap feature with an angle snap tolerance setting. The tolerance causes the dial to rotate freely until the snap tolerance is met.
7 The dial can operate in single or dual finger mode.
8 With this dial it is possible to set a minimum/maximum rotation constraint.
9 It has a variable dial behaviour causing the rotation rate to change depending on how close the gesture is the centre of the dial.
10 This library comes with a 'fling-to-spin' behaviour; having configurable fling tolerance, spin start/end speed and spin animation duration.
11 A key feature is that the dial controls are designed to interact with each other and any other widgets/layouts that implement touch listeners.
12 All of the above features play together in perfect harmony.
13 It has an array of convenience methods that greatly enhances usage scenarios.

A key feature is that the dial controls are designed to interact with each other (such as one dial rotating another) and any other widgets/layouts that implement touch listeners.

It has an array of convenience methods that greatly enhances usage scenarios.

You can find the open source repository at:

This library supports API 9+ and uses Canvas/Extended Views. There is a OpenGLES 2.0 version of this library which has a distorted dial feature and handles dials acting upon other dials better than this library.

HGDialV2 has landed see:

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