The wind vane shows the direction and distance to threats within a radius of 10, 20, 30 km.
Weather vane: Quick orientation to threats
Weather vane is a simple and effective application that helps you instantly assess the air situation. Without unnecessary details, only the most important information: the direction of threats and their distance in radii of 10, 20 and 30 km.
Main functions:
- Radar with radii: Displays threats in three zones - 10 km, 20 km and 30 km.
- Direction Arrows: Find your way around easily with threat azimuth indications.
- Simple interface: Maximum concentration on the main thing - quick access to data without unnecessary distractions.
Why do you need a weather vane?
This is an ideal solution for those who want to navigate the air environment in advance. The application allows you to quickly assess the situation and make informed decisions about security.
A weather vane is your reliable tool in dangerous times. Download now!
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