The Best Education and Learning app for Children - Introduction of FunPark App (Android version)
The best Education and Learning App designed for children and parents to enjoy together. FunPark provides children with unlimited access to over 500 amazingly entertaining interactive e-books every month. Through FunPark, hundreds of books on Science, Math, Social Studies, English, Phonics, Chinese Phonetics, Chinese Poetry, Art, Music, Movies, and amusing stories are right at the children’s fingertips for exploring on mobile devices including iPad and Android phones and pads. FunPark is an easy-to-use App, complete with interactive games to encourage creativity, and to help to build up Children’s 5Q brainpower and reading ability that will benefit them all their lives.
★ Winner of “Judges’ Award” and “Best Mobile Service Award” at 201X IDEAS Show.
★ Custom-made for children between the ages of 3 to 10 years old, the interactive App helps children to develop their love for reading.
★ Every month, professional children’s education teams recommend different learning projects with multiple learning contents in each of the 6 main themed areas.
★ Collaborate with numerous famous national children’s book publishers, and highly recommended by over 63,000 parents from all over the world.
★ 5-inch and above mobile phones and table PC’s enabled. Easy connection to PC’s and TV’s. Convenient offline reading mode available.
★ Helps to build up children’s 5Q brainpower”:5Q: IQ, CQ, MQ, EQ and LQ (Intelligence Quotient, Creativity Quotient, Moral Quotient, Emotion Quotient, Leadership Quotient) , and inspires children’s overall brain development to their full potential.
※FunPark Main Features
【Six themed areas, with new books added every month】
Collaborate with various famous children’s book publishers to carefully select the greatest quality and bestselling children’s books available on the market for FunPark. There are over 500 books covering 6 major themes: story, language, math, science, arts, and character education, including multiple graphics browser and creation of new games in the App. New books are introduced each month to offer constantly fresh and different experiences for the children to cultivate their interests in reading and learning.
【Touch screen interactive interface, inspiring reading desires】
Different from traditional teaching materials and methods, children access the contents by interactive and intuitional methods. Together with the games and creative enhancing modules, children are free to roam the App while easily learning new knowledge and picking up new skills. This in turn will build up their enthusiasm to read and learn, combine with creativity and imagination of the children, their brainpower will be developed fully and diversely.
【Effective 5Q Development through Specific Age and Genre Grouping】
The monthly learning program is divided into 3 phases, from preschool (ages 3-6), to ages 7-8, and finally ages 9-10. The books are categorized according to genres/themes, with a multi-language switch mode, step-by-step learning process and creative review tests to maximize the children’s 5Q ability and develop their full mentality potential. A is also available.
【Multiple mobile devices enabled to ensure endless fun learning】
Each account can support up to 3 devices, including tablets and 5-inch screen or above mobile phones (please visit FunPark website for a list of devices supported). Easy connection to wide-screen PC and TV via HDMI is available at no additional charge.
【Easy Off-line Reading Mode for children】
Support offline reading mode, children can read downloaded contents anytime and anywhere, free soaring in funpark.
【Visit our official website for more information.】
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Visit our official website for more informat
FunPark玩童書,AR行動故事劇場讓你走到那看到那!以中華電信5G行動網路高速低延遲為特性設計,結合AR擴增實景3D圖像技術,推出「AR行動故事劇場」,讓大小朋友可以一起線上玩童書!首波推出以台灣特有物種故事為主角的繪本《小山羌與小樹葉》,期間限定免費下載,邀請大家一同來與小山羌丹丹、臺灣黑熊等可愛主角們一起聽故事、玩互動。【小山羌與小樹葉/楊子葦 著】小山羌丹丹最好的朋友,是和他一起長大的櫸樹小樹葉,他們彼此相伴相依,度過一年年的春去秋來。但成長拉開了他們的距離,當小樹葉終於敵不過秋風脫離樹梢時,丹丹就必須學會面臨道別……...
玩過動物AR不稀奇,隔空與明星拍照才夠酷!全新改版內容,世界球后小戴現身揪健身,盡情獨享與小戴合照,分享自我挑戰的健身成果吧!!更有HiNet光世代代言人Lumina活力四射大跳啦啦隊,陪你一起擺拍應援POSE。互動增加生活樂趣,盡情分享你的AR拍照,絕對是大家詢問的焦點! 未來另有其他主題,將陸續推出AR互動體驗,與AR人物同框拍照。還在等什麼快來拍拍看!操作步驟:【步驟1】以Android作業系統裝置下載「AR拍拍看」 App,開啟APP後,可選擇想要跟世界羽球球后小戴挑戰的項目。【步驟2】掃描平面(如桌面、地板)後,世界羽球球后小戴會跳出來。【步驟3】世界羽球球后小戴發出健身挑戰後,即可定格合照。支援規格:詳見
*「iKa Watch」APP必須搭配「iKa Watch兒童智慧手錶」硬體裝置一起使用!*【愛卡 愛聽 愛看你】「iKa Watch兒童智慧手錶」是專為3~12歲小朋友量身設計的智慧手錶,包括:通話、視訊、聊天、定位、計步、聽故事……等多項功能,讓您隨時隨地與孩子即時聯繫、掌握孩子的所在位置、培養孩子良好生活習慣、陪伴孩子學習成長。透過本APP將可讓您在iPhone上管理您的「iKa Watch 愛卡兒童智慧手錶」【功能特色】●【語音通話】可插SIM卡,可隨時撥打手錶,與孩子通話不間斷。●【即時聊天】提供即時聊天功能,彼此傳送可愛表情符號和即時語音。●【視訊通話】內建前視鏡頭,可使用網路視訊,與孩子視訊通話零距離。●【安全聯絡名單】為孩子設定安全聯絡名單,保護孩子避免接到不明來電。●【關懷即時聽】緊急時,可遠端單向聆聽孩子周邊環境聲音,瞭解狀況保護孩子安全。●【安全定位】結合GPS、A-GPS、WIFI等LBS定位技術,採用Google定位圖資。●【安全區域】設定孩子活動範圍為安全區域,孩子超越安全區域會即時提醒。●【SOS緊急求救】遇到緊急事件,可快速按下緊急按鈕,尋求家長協助。●【智慧鬧鐘】使用智慧鬧鐘,讓手錶陪伴與提醒孩子的一日行程。●【有聲故事書】內建120手中英文經典故事有聲書,並支援雲端更新故事功能。【客服中心】任何使用上的問題,歡迎來信[email protected],會有專人為你服務解答,謝謝!...
0-15歲兒童與親子家庭生活育樂影音APP專為親子家庭量身打造,申租中華電信Hami Pass服務客戶,FunPark Family提供0-15歲兒童與親子家庭每月逾40小時影音內容,透過高速行動網路,隨時隨地聆聽與觀賞精彩高畫質影音,提供八大智能全方位的影音學習內容,以及食衣住行育樂的家庭生活影音內容,打造親子數位家庭。 【FunPark Family 特色】*專為親子家庭量身打造,提供0-15歲兒童與親子家庭每月逾100小時影音內容*透過高速行動網路,隨時隨地聆聽與觀賞精彩高畫質影音【FunPark幼幼版 貼心精選功能】●【八大智能全方位的影音學習內容】集結知名童書出版社與動畫製作公司,嚴選幼教與兒童影音學習內容,每月推薦逾40個小時影音內容,從故事、語文、數學、自然科學,甚至是品格教育,讓孩子永遠能有不同的新體驗。●【食衣住行育樂的家庭生活影音內容】除了提供0-15歲的影音學習內容外,更打造親子專區,提供食衣住行娛樂全方位的家庭影音內容,讓親子同樂、闔家觀賞。●【高速行動網路,影音串流不延遲】精選高畫質影音內容,讓小寶貝無時無刻都有豐富精采的影音內容陪伴,透過活潑的內容及朗朗上口的旋律,潛移默化培養品格的發展。●【跨多元載具,輕鬆觀賞無侷限】支援iOS 8.0與Android 4.1以上的智慧型手機及平板電腦,更能透過HDMI輕鬆銜接大螢幕電腦、電視。關注Facebook粉絲專頁,月月抽大獎:FaceBook:【客服中心】任何使用上的問題,歡迎來信[email protected],會有專人為你服務解答,謝謝!...
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