Watch popular shows like LEGO City, Clash of Clans, Talking Tom, Sunny Bunnies, Little Baby Bum, Pocoyo, Oddbods and more. Stream what you want to watch, when you want to! All of our content is pre-screened by real people, not algorithms, to ensure everything on our platform is 100% kid-safe!
Download Kidoodle.TV for FREE and your kids can:
- Instantly watch unlimited episodes and full series on-demand
- Easily tap to discover new shows-updated weekly!
- Search for favorites across the entire content library
- Create your own profile, customizable by color, avatar, title selection and age group
- Watch and learn with fun and educational cartoons and live-action shows
- Dance all day with musical sing-a-longs
- Up to 5 separate profiles
- Parent’s Room with passcode protection
- Set watch time limits
- Bedtime Curfews
- Content limits for age-appropriateness
- WIFI-only option to restrict data usage
*** #1 Kids’ app on Roku ***
Chromecast casting is only supported on premium (ad-free) accounts.
Kidoodle.TV is available in more than 140 countries, and is accessible on more than 1,000 devices.
Kidoodle.TV® does not collect any personally identifiable information from your child.
Privacy Policy:
Terms of Use:
Kidoodle.TV® is listed by the kidSAFE Seal Program®
We're here to answer questions and hear how we can improve the Kidoodle.TV app for you and your kids. You can message us at
* IMPORTANT: Content and feature availability, including access to the Family Moments feature, may vary or be restricted according to the country of subscription and will change from time to time.
** Requires internet connection to watch videos. Wi-Fi is highly recommended when streaming videos
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