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About Chinese Traditional Holy Bible


舊約全書 - Old Testament
Gn [1] 創世記
Ex [2] 出埃及記
Lv [3] 利未記
Nm [4] 民數記
Dt [5] 申命記
Js [6] 約書亞記
Jg* [7] 士師記
Rt [8] 路得記
1Sm [9] 撒母耳記上
2Sm [10] 撒母耳記下
1Kn [11] 列王紀上
2Kn [12] 列王紀下
1Ch [13] 歷代志上
2Ch [14] 歷代志下
Ez [15] 以斯拉記
Nh [16] 尼希米記
Es [17] 以斯帖記
Jb [18] 約伯記
Ps [19] 詩篇
Pr [20] 箴言
Ec [21] 傳道書
Sn [22] 雅歌
Is [23] 以賽亞書
Jr [24] 耶利米書
Lm [25] 耶利米哀歌
Ek*[26] 以西結書
Dn [27] 但以理書
Hs [28] 何西阿書
Jl [29] 約珥書
Am [30] 阿摩司書
Ob [31] 俄巴底亞書
Jn [32] 約拿書
Mc [33] 彌迦書
Na*[34] 那鴻書
Hk*[35] 哈巴谷書
Zp [36] 西番雅書
Hg [37] 哈該書
Zc [38] 撒迦利亞書
Ml [39] 瑪拉基書

新約全書 - New Testament
Mt [40] 馬太福音
Mr [41] 馬可福音
Lk [42] 路加福音
Jh [43] 約翰福音
Ac [44] 使徒行傳
Rm [45] 羅馬書
1Cr [46] 哥林多前書
2Cr [47] 哥林多後書
Gl [48] 加拉太書
Ep [49] 以弗所書
Ph [50] 腓利比書
Cl [51] 歌羅西書
1Th [52] 帖撒羅尼迦前書
2Th [53] 帖撒羅尼迦後書
1Tm [54] 提摩太前書
2Tm [55] 提摩太後書
Tt [56] 提多書
Pl*[57] 腓利門書
Hb [58] 希伯來書
Jm [59] 雅各書
1Pt [60] 彼得前書
2Pt [61] 彼得後書
1Jh [62] 約翰壹書
2Jh [63] 約翰貳書
3Jh [64] 約翰參書
Jd [65] 猶大
Rv [66] 啟示錄

This is Chinese (Traditional) Holy Bible. The Application is OFFLINE and does not need the internet connection.
Database will be downloaded when the application is run first time. We recommend you to use Wi-Fi connection.

Main features:
1. History – every word you ever viewed is stored in history.
2. Favorites – you are able to add words to favorites list by clicking the “star” icon.
3. Managing History and Favorites lists – you are able edit those lists or clear them.
4. Various Settings – you may change application’s font and theme (choose one of several color themes).
5. Word spelling, using Text-To-Speech module (requires internet connection). Powered by iSpeech®.
6. Context word search – click any word in translation article and search for it’s translation.
7. Random word of the day widget. To see the widget in the list the application must be installed to phone memory (dictionary database may be installed anywhere).

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