Application for the selection and identification of PWM controllers by pins
Selection and identification of the PWM controller AC/DC converter by pin.
Every master involved in repair of electronic equipment, in particular repairs pulse power supplies, met with problems of identifying or selecting an analogue of a PWM controller chip that had evaporated or burst into small pieces.
Usually, the repair begins with drawing a diagram of the power supply, and this is where it ends, since downloading hundreds of datasheets and comparing them with the resulting diagram will take a long time.
Since every AC/DC PWM controller has the following pins:
- microcircuit supply voltage;
- common;
- Feedback;
- power transistor supply;
- not connected, not used;
- power transistor control;
This application will help in a matter of seconds to identify or select a PWM controller microcircuit, just select the pin numbers in the header according to their functional purpose.
Today the database contains 972 PWM controller names.
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