Candidates who have difficulty concentrating on the exam and concentrating on the question need to improve themselves in using the time correctly.
In the practice I have developed for student friends, you can start by specifying the number of questions and the time required to solve them per question. For example, the time required for a 20-question physics test to resolve normally is 20 minutes. With this application, however, you can set it to finish within 10 minutes by giving 20 questions and 30 seconds of questions. By improving your self by reducing the number of questions per question, you can come to the point where you can cope with time stress at the exam.
In each question, the user is warned with a warning sound when half of the time per question is reached (eg 60 seconds per question, 30 seconds warning sound), and he understands that half of the time is exhausted. When the time per question is over, he asks you to leave a question with an audible warning and pass a new question. Thus, the question is not stolen from the time of the exam.
By using the application continuously, the user can set a biological time in the exam so that he can spend at least one minute per question.
I hope you are satisfied with the application.
At the exams, all the students are accomplished with friends. I hope that all the problems you solve are true.
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