Stampify is a loyalty card for charity that allows you to fight world hunger with every purchase, free of charge.
Join our community and use your loyalty stamps to change lives by adding to the 100,000 meals Stampify users have already provided.
Using Stampify is easy, here's how it works:
-Every Stampify partner has a Stampify QR code displayed at the counter
-When making a purchase in any of these businesses, open the Stampify app and scan the QR code to collect a loyalty stamp
-For every completed card 14 meals will be provided by our partners to fight world hunger in the developing world.
-You can complete our loyalty card using stamps from different businesses
Stampify fights world hunger by supporting Mary’s Meals, who are working in 18 countries across the developing world. They provide meals to children in their place of education.
To keep up to date with Stampify:
-Follow us on Instagram at
-Like us on Facebook at
-Follow us on Twitter at
Supporting charity has never been easier than using our loyalty card, download to fight world hunger today!
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