A part-time delivery job that anyone can easily do at any time and location they want.
Are you looking for an easy and free side job?
Team Match is a part-time job where you can deliver in your own car, on the date you want, in the area you want.
■ Part-time delivery job available even to beginners
- Anyone of any age, including office workers, housewives, and students, can apply as long as they have their own vehicle, even if they have no experience working in a part-time delivery job.
■ You can apply right now
- After registering as a member, simply enter your vehicle information and you can apply for work right away without an interview or approval.
■ Easier delivery with customized routes
- AI guides you to the optimal route, saving time and effort.
■ Additional income through promotions
- Receive industry-leading shipping rates as well as additional income by completing promotions.
Register, collect and share your farm and your coffee with the World.
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