The KVB-App provides time tables, trip planning, navigation as well as a ticket shop for busses and trains in the area of Cologne and around.
Beside the trip planner and discruption information you are able to get live data for your station. The KVB-App offers all information about KVB-Rad, Car-Sharing and Taxi-Ruf in Cologne.
You can register yourself an account, localize vehicles and bicycles and you are able to book a bicycle/care directly.
Overview of the functions:
- Trip planner (live data)
- Departure monitor for stations (live data)
- Save station and ticket favorites and change their names individually
- Purchase tickets (also anonymous)
- Tariff price information
- Information about disruptions
- KVB-Rad (Bicylce search, prices, registration and booking)
- Taxi-Ruf Cologne (Show places where you can get a taxi and booking within the KVB-App)
- Car-Sharing (Vehicle location, registration and booking)
The KVB-App will be updated and enhanced with new features and functions frequently.
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