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CMD BY ACI METHOD Screenshot 1
CMD BY ACI METHOD Screenshot 2
CMD BY ACI METHOD Screenshot 3
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This CMD app requires all inputs at a time and perform all required calculations. All required inputs are:
1. Specific gravity of concrete ingredients
2. Water absorptions of all aggregates
3. Natural moisture contents of all aggregates
4. Loose unit weights of all aggregates
5. Ove Dry rodded unit weight of coarse aggregate
6. Fineness modulus of fine aggregate
7. Blending percentages of aggregates, if any
8. Specification requirements, if any
9. Chemical admixtures
10. Measuring box size adjustment
The required inputs are:
A. Bulk specific gravities
B. Water absorption capacities
C. Natural moisture content (required during mixing the concrete)
D. Loose unit weight for the design of box sizes
E. Oven dry rodded unit weight for coarse aggregates
F. Fineness modulus of fine aggregates
G. Blending of aggregates (CA01 with CA02 and CS00 with NS) required to satisfy the gradations
H. Specification requirements
I. Chemical Admixture and water reducer
J. Design of measuring box sizes (length, width and height)
K. Yield value, initially, is 1. After adjustment and satisfaction of the required strength, calculated yield value might be less than one or greater than one. If yield value is one, no adjustment is required.
The necessary outputs are:
1. Calculations of all mix ingredients
2. Summary of mix proportions of ingredients for laboratory trials.
3. Final adjusted mix proportions for field use for plant mix.
4. Final measuring box sizes for aggregates and water content for a bag of cement content for field in-situ mix.

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What inputs are required for the CMD app by ACI method?

The required inputs are specific gravity of concrete ingredients, water absorptions of all aggregates, natural moisture contents of all aggregates, loose unit weights of all aggregates, oven dry rodded unit weight of coarse aggregate, fineness modulus of fine aggregate, blending percentages of aggregates (if any), specification requirements (if any), chemical admixtures, and measuring box size adjustment.

What are the necessary outputs of the CMD app by ACI method?

The necessary outputs are calculations of all mix ingredients, summary of mix proportions of ingredients for laboratory trials, final adjusted mix proportions for field use for plant mix, and final measuring box sizes for aggregates and water content for a bag of cement content for field in-situ mix.
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