This application provides us a great tool for accessing all document prepared by Legal Council of Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) related to Law. The searching of all those law document is well-organized logically based on type of document (law, royal decree, sub-decree ...), institution(royal government, ministry ...), field(taxation, customs ...). More over, the search are include date(ascending, descending), amendment, abolition ...
Furthermore, each document contain information such as subject, number, released date ...
Also, user can download document for offline mode or share document to another social network application
This application provides us a great tool for accessing the Legal Lexicon...
This application provides us a great tool for accessing the Legal Lexicon...
This application provides us a great tool to access the book named...
This application provide us a great tool to access the book named...
This application provide us a great tool to convert document photos to...
This application provides us a great tool for accessing all compendiums prepared...
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