Become Kanon's brother/sister. Anime Alarm is a must have alarm clock app for every "little sister MOE".
---How it works---
1.Your little sister comes to wake you up.
2.Pat her on the head and thank her.
3.Kawaii little sister is delighted and happy.
4.You wake up easily, feeling good.
You can touch and pat her while on standby.
---Features about Kanon---
*More than 500 voice patterns
*Able to change costumes, loves cosplay
*Becomes happy when patted or touched
*Supports both big brothers and big sisters
*Tweets on her own sometimes
*MOE and Kawaii
---For help---
Questions and feedback from above.
Please let us know what you think.
Customers having problems with purchased costumes and voices.
Thank you for using Anime Alarm
If you can not set costumes or voices that were purchased, send us your gmail address via e-mail
twitter is also available @kanon_stm
As soon as we comfirm your purchased record, we will send you the resume procedure. This may take time, please be patient.
J( 'ー`)し<「なでなで目覚まし。カーチャン」インストールして頂戴ね。「なでなで目覚まし。カーチャン」は毎日タケシを起床させる為、健気に頑張る母親系目覚ましアプリです。■ご利用イメージ1.カーチャンが起こしにくる↓2.頭をなでてあげる↓3.カーチャンが喜ぶ↓4.+(0゜・∀・)+ スッキリお目覚め!■カーチャンの特長・J( 'ー`)し<なでたり、さわったりすると嬉しいよ。・J( 'ー`)し<自動ツイートもするよ。・J( 'ー`)し<タップしてると何かが起こるかも・・・。待ち受け画面では、なでたり、さわったりして孝行できます。■おねがいカーチャンに起こされた人はいつでもいいので生きている間に孝行して下さい。特に5月第2日曜日はオススメです。...
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