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About Solitaire 9999 - Card Game

"If you don't see the shocking ending, you'll probably regret it..."
This is a free and popular solitaire game [Klondike].
It's very easy to play because it's optimized for Android.
You can also play solitaire 9999 times to complete the game.
If you complete the game or play until you get stuck, it counts as one.
There are three difficulty levels: easy, normal, and hard.
Any difficulty level counts as one.
Play a little at a time,on the train or before going to bed.
"Let's go... to the other side of solitaire..."

What is solitaire anyway? :

Solitaire is a general term for a single-player game played with a board or playing cards. It is also called solitaire, solitaire, or solitaire.
In this case, solitaire refers to Klondike, a single-player game using playing cards, which is a type of solitaire.
The well-known free cell and spider solitaire are also types of solitaire games.
Klondike was named "Solitaire" because the Klondike that came with Windows was called "Solitaire.
Klondike's name became widely recognized as "Solitaire", and now Solitaire = Klondike is widely popular all over the world.

How to play "Solitaire 9999" :

How to play
Move the face-up cards in "sequential numbers" and "alternating colors".
The game is cleared when you can rearrange the cards in the order of A (Ace) to K (King) with the same mark.

Points of the rule
- Arrange the cards in numerical order, alternating between red and black in color.
- A is placed on the top of the field (= white frame on the top left) for each mark.
 *Marks (four: hearts, spades, diamonds, and clubs)
-When a card cannot be moved, turn the cards in the deck face up one by one (= cards stacked face down in the upper right corner).
-The face-down cards in the field can be opened when there are no more face-up cards in the row.

Features of "Solitaire 9999" :

Three levels of difficulty:
Whether you are new to solitaire or just a solitaire fan, everyone can enjoy this game.
-Easy (for beginners)
-Normal (for intermediate players)
-Hard (for advanced players)

Pause / resume functions:
You can suspend play and resume from the middle of the game.

Undo function:
You can undo the previous operation.

Reshuffle function:
reshuffles the playing cards and starts the game over from the beginning.

For killing time and refreshing your mind:
Since it can be played in a short time, it's perfect for killing time, spare time, and breaks!

For brain training and mental exercise :
Train your brain while having fun with this brain-based puzzle game!

"Solitaire 9999" is recommended for the following users:

- For those who want to play a single player game.
-For those who want a simple and challenging way to play.
- For those who like playing card games, board games, and classic games.
- For those who are looking for a logic game for brain training or mental exercise.

Enjoy the nostalgic solitaire next time enjoy it on the app!

“Solitaire 9999” is free of charge, but it is run on advertising.
Thank you for your understanding.

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