The most modern KTEO in Evros for cars, trucks and any type of vehicle.
Through the application of the Evros Control Alex/polis Private Motor Vehicle, you have on your device the list of your vehicles with their history and subsequent visits. You are given the option of automatically saving the next check in your calendar, registering a request for a new appointment in our secretariat, being informed in time (via SMS) about the next checks of your vehicles, as well as receiving extra notifications and offers from our company.
Επαναπροσδιορίστε τη συντήρηση του οχήματός σας με την AUTOTECH ΚΑΨΑΛΑΚΗΣ, την πρωτοποριακή...
Επαναπροσδιορίστε τη συντήρηση του οχήματός σας με την MARGARITIS AUTOMOTO, την πρωτοποριακή...
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