A free unmetered high-speed VPN, Shadowsocks Client, built-in free VPN servers.
SS VPN for Android, compatible with Shadowsocks(SS) protocols. The APP automatically fetch a few self-built VPN servers and lots of internet free shadowsocks servers that are include some invalid servers.
Before start vpn, please click the three dots button at the upper right corner and execute 'Real test all servers', and then 'Remove invalid/Sort by group' and 'Sort servers by speed', then click to select a server, after the selection, the left border color of the server will be different from the others, finally click the round button(airplane button) at the bottom to start VPN connection.
Attention: internet free servers come from internet sharing and are provided for the convenience, we do not guarantee their reliability and security.
If you do not want to use the free Internet servers, you can continue to use our self-built servers after disabling the 3rd-party servers in app setting. You also can add or import any Shadowsocks(SS) servers to use. Neither our self-built VPN servers nor APP record access logs.
If you are looking for V2ray Android client or VPN, please try V2free APP:
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