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About Anime Wallpaper HD

Anime wallpaper app has unique and creative collection of anime wallpapers and backgrounds. Each and every wallpaper is unique in its own way

This application has 5000+ anime wallpapers and backgrounds. And New wallpapers are added to the list every day. so you'll get new wallpapers every day for your device. And each Wallpaper is designed to fit with any screen and widgets.

Anime Wallpaper is a wallpapers app that contains 1000s of cute anime wallpapers from all popular anime. It comes with a dozen hd cute anime wallpapers for you to choose from, based on your mood, with whom you are with and what manga or anime you're watching now. Best suited wallpapers for anime boy, girl, naruto, beautiful anime backgrounds HD 4K. Updated regularly! Pick your best wallpapers for your favorite anime title!

+100000 Anime Wallpaper have all wallpaper from all site anime popular. Have more anime person as anime boy, girl, cute baby wallpaper with fan art, background anime beautiful, with anime wall hd. Update daily anime images when have anime new.

▶ Features :

◉ Awesome collection of HD & 4k artistic anime wallpapers.
◉ Auto Wallpaper Changer which changes wallpapers automatically.
◉ More than 80 categories to choose from.
◉ Daily New High-Quality Anime Wallpapers arrival.
◉ Well arranged categories and adding new categories over a time.
◉ Add to favorite Option to make your own collection of your favorite anime wallpapers.
◉ And Much more options like Share, Save, Crop, Setting as wallpaper.
◉ Beautiful layout with a material dark theme.
◉ Each wallpaper is in HD & 4k Quality.
◉ Swipe to change : You can easily swipe to change wallpapers.
◉ Wide range of anime wallpapers with separate categories
◉and always will be.

The content in this app is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by any company. All copyright and trademarks are owned by their respective owners. The images in this application are collected from around the web, if we are in breach of copyright, please let us know and it will be removed as soon as possible.

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