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About 三國雲夢錄

Recommended by Lin Xue and Peter Ho, the 2024 fantasy Three Kingdoms card masterpiece!
You will get 100 free draws when you open the server, you can choose your own red general within seven days, and you will get 10,000 free draws for the main line!
There is no pressure to develop military commanders, let's play and have more fun!

In this star-studded stage of the Three Kingdoms, the blood and dreams of countless heroes surged.
The Three Kingdoms card RPG mobile game "Three Kingdoms Yunmenglu" with a higher degree of freedom takes you back to the Three Kingdoms era.
Witness the power and strategy behind every glass of wine, and experience the winners and losers in every narrow encounter.

[No burden, let go and have fun]
Easily develop and change formations with one click! Military generals maintain their value and are long-lasting and playable
Play freely without any restrictions! Yunmeng time and space, conquer the zombie Zhao Yun and the mecha Lu Bu

【High Quality King Card】
Biographical plot, relive classic battles, and review the heroic life of heroes
Beautiful vertical paintings, high-value cards, and super gorgeous battle performances

【Good benefits every day for ten consecutive days】
100 free draws will be given when opening the server, 7 days of self-selected red generals, and 10,000 free draws will be given for the main line
Treasure chests dropped from the sky, all servers can share 1 million recruitment coupons for free every day

[Zero Burden Lossless Inheritance]
The general will be inherited with zero loss, and the fully equipped equipment will be converted without damage.
Multiple teams share character development progress and outfits, and can play immediately

[True strategy, strategy to win]
Wei's instant control, Shu's combo attack, Wu's awakening's explosive damage, and the heroes' fire and poison attack
Unique camp mechanism, coupled with tactics, magical skills, and tips to create exclusive routines

[Multiple ways to play, unlimited fun]
Devour the world, enter and exit seven times, find rare items, mini games are easy to play, and there are easter eggs waiting to be discovered in the main city.
Eight-door golden lock array, hunting battlefield, top 64 peak battle, passionate cross-server competition

※ Because this software involves violence and sex (the game characters wear clothing that highlights sexual characteristics), it is classified as Auxiliary Level 12 according to the game software classification management method.
※ This game is free to use. The game also provides paid services such as purchasing virtual game coins and items.
※ If you play the game for a long time, please pay attention to the usage time and avoid being addicted to the game.
Agent Information: Yiheng Digital Marketing Co., Ltd.

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《風起三國之亂世逐鹿》特邀著名作家馬伯庸擔任世界觀構架師,亞洲知名配樂家梅林茂大師和Chad Cannon配樂,年度史詩級三國IP產品!週年慶福利大放送,全新武將限時登場!風起一週年,逐鹿正當時![次世代美術畫面,策略元素內核]真實無縫地圖,策略城戰玩法,即時戰鬥等多元素深度融合,帶來沉浸式三國戰場表現!特色沙盤戰爭玩法,為你打造金戈鐵馬和博弈策略的次世代三國。戰鬥場面真實宏大,物理交互極其出色,帶來深度還原古老的三國戰場![江山一覽,風高露寒]還原真實的戰場體驗,我們採用PBR高效渲染技術構建三國時期宏偉3D大地圖。你可以穿越森林迷霧,也可翻越崇山峻嶺,發現暗藏其中的寶藏,當然也會遭遇敵軍險象迭生,是危機還是機遇,一切皆由你發現。[排兵佈陣,即時戰鬥]武將麾下精兵百萬,遊戲通過戰前佈陣策略,對不同兵團種類、數量以及站位排佈做詳細謀劃,戰中可操作武將釋放各類酷炫大招,可破大陣,亦可突進斬將於亂軍。各武將之間羈絆組合,戰場技能緊密聯動,戰鬥質變策略升級! 各類武將處於同一戰場時產生新的機制變化,在特定的環境下可加強武將技能的作用,近千種搭配,給予玩家極高的策略空間![無損繼承,靈活搭配]減少角色養成時間,武將上陣「禦軍臺」便可繼承對應槽位的培養進度,不論等級、技能、品階還是裝備強化、精煉等方面,通通無損繼承,不需要從零開始辛苦養成;真正做到超越一鍵升級,連升階材料的收集都大幅度減少![沙盤戰役,運籌帷幄]為追求沉浸式攻城體驗,我們在城戰中採用了沙盤戰棋推演的方式,使用計謀搭配打破戰役僵局,領略真實三國故事,一場戰役多種計謀搭配,拓寬策略搭配自由度;合理的規劃行軍路線,利用天時地利妙計錦囊,既可一騎當千,更能運籌帷幄!即刻加入風起三國之亂世逐鹿官方粉絲團,搶先獲得最新消息,以及領取限時活動好禮!加入風起三國之亂世逐鹿官方Discord 搶先成為拓荒者!服務條款:用戶協議: 隱私協議:■ 遊戲部份內容涉及暴力之情節,依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法分類為輔12級,十二歲以上之人始得使用。■ 本遊戲為免費遊戲,但遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務,請依個人興趣及能力進行適度消費。■ 請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷,長時間進行遊戲,容易影響作息,宜適度休息及運動。■本遊戲由香港商阿爾發遊戲有限公司台灣分公司代理,如有疑問,請以本遊戲客服管道聯繫。...




爆爽塔防全新割草玩法!超刺激的仙魔割草無限肉鴿版本來咯~動動手指,享受休閑割草的快感,多樣技能由你搭配,百位英雄等你挑選! ◆ 即刻下載就領取海量超值好康!◆ 即刻登入就有免費抽卡,首抽必出紅將,讓你開局暢快戰鬥!◆ 急急如律令,神仙作伴任我行! 盤古開天,女媧補天。三界有難,各路神仙齊聚一堂,誰能拯救天下?危難當前,各路神魔爭相出手,勢要一決高下! 當孫大聖碰上關公時,鹿死誰手,猶未可知...孰是孰非,又或者是大水沖了龍王廟??還請仙君一辯真假,救蒼生於水火之中......四海八荒,聽候您的吩咐! 【特色玩法】 ◆新型塔防 策略卡牌◆不僅打破傳統塔防,強力技能任君挑選,更可以用神將真人對戰,用你最強的大腦, 與他人一決高下,酣暢淋漓戰個爽! ◆千種地圖...




全新神陣營武將南華老仙已上綫!無限抽卡,零課輕鬆養成!=== 遊戲特色 ===【無限抽卡 多樣選擇】無限抽卡抽到爽,快速積累各種角色和裝備,打造出屬於你自己的最強軍隊!【合成進化 培養不肝】無需爆肝!簡單養成,專注游戲,輕鬆利用合成和進化提升武將的屬性!【百位武將 英雄盡覽】百位武將的壯觀隊伍!這些英雄來自不同的背景,擁有獨特的技能和故事!培養並組建你的夢幻陣容,每個英雄都將成為你在戰鬥中的得力助手!【萌寵同行 輕鬆取勝】可愛的萌寵陪伴冒險,獲得各種增益效果及專屬技能助你取得勝利。【陣容搭配 制勝先機】每位英雄都有自己的屬性和技能,巧妙地搭配你的陣容,這將成為製勝的關鍵!====聯繫我們====官方Facebook:可以通過鏈接直達(也可通過搜索【馳騁三國】進入玩家建議&BUG反饋收集、官方福利抽獎等最新資訊,統統一網打盡!...

很用心的遊戲,能玩看看。不過有個問題,就是這遊戲後續會有不同國家新角色的慢慢浮現出來,這會導致玩家們很難能夠能正確地選擇最佳的國家(魏,蜀,吳和群國),新角色會給不同的國家帶來不同的強度。不過這也是這遊戲的特別之處,後續會有很多新穎的變動。 還有就是怎麼還沒開服呢,看來只能繼續補眠了,現在肯定有好多人都還在排隊呢,待會系統不會崩潰吧?
Jin Sha
Ming Hao Yeap
Te Zi Hao