With AGENCE CLARET, share contact details and earn business referral commissions!
How it works ?
Indicate in the application the contact details of a person who wishes to sell, rent or manage their property, and our team will take care of the rest!
Once the real estate project is successful, you are paid for your connection.
Rest assured: your connection remains confidential.
Share with us the contact details of the person who wishes to sell, rent or manage their property.
Follow the progress of your connection, until the success of the real estate project entrusted to us. This is completely transparent from the application.
Earn your business referral commission once our mission is accomplished and our agency fees are paid! Directly by bank transfer. It’s simple and 100% legal!
Download our app now and get paid for your connections!
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1 - RECOMMANDEZPartagez facilement les coordonnées de vos professionnels de confiance avec...
1 - RECOMMANDEZPartagez facilement les coordonnées de votre professionnel de confiance avec...
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