For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
God used visions to reveal His plan, and to put His people in places of influence. This is the time of revival; Kingdom expansion and release of God’s love. GFIM is the work of Prophet Tijo Thomas and Princy Tijo in response to the call of God, a vision delivered to begin a ministry in South India, equipping and preparing God’s people and leaders, both in India and overseas.
With a humble beginning with less than 10 members GFIM has grown and is blessed with spiritual and numerical growth in recent period. We pursue to follow the example of Jesus in being a loving and caring institution, highlighting the preaching and teaching of word of God and the good news of Jesus Christ.
Prophet Tijo Thomas, his wife Princy Tijo, many recognised national and international preachers and bible teachers speak at the meetings. Numerous guests and community worship leaders lead the worship periods on a regular basis.
At the Peak, we want to be acknowledged by what we are and we believe that God is the Author of nation and the unique principal of creativity and do believe that the real “ministry” happens outside the church, not inside the church alone. GFIM wishes to take the kingdom of God into the arts, businesses, education—and all other aspects of the society.
GFIM has leaders who dare to be themselves, committed to an innovative system that loves God, loves people and loves life, youthful in spirit; generous at heart; faith-filled in confession; loving in nature and inclusive in expression.
We pray that God's purposes will be achieved, and that His leadership will be shadowed.
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