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[Xiaohongshu App] A lifestyle platform for young people, where you can discover a beautiful, real and diverse world and find the life you want.[Celebrities and hipsters] Here we have "Vigorous Girls" Nana Ou-yang and Jelly Lin; "Sexy Goddess" Kim Hyun A and Yuqi Zhang; International supermodel Karlie Kloss and Miranda Kerr; There are also "Upright Boy" Z.TAO, "Health Expert" Sally Jing, world famous actress Kim Kardashian... There are also "Keep Running 3" MC Ryan Zheng, Yuqi Song, Yanlin Wang; Super idol August Cai, Leo Chen, Adam Fan in "Idol Trainee", and Meiqi Meng, Betty Wu in "Produce 101" ... You can be the neighbor of idols in Xiaoshuhong and see the other side of the life of the super idols.[Hot Posts in Online Forums] Get the popular lifestyle of youngsters! We have contents from fashionable tips for wearing trendy shoes to less popular travel places with fewer people and beautiful scenery, from simple but popular food recipes, to the recommendation of the popular online play. We also have many novel vlogs to help you see more good lives.[Video Vlog] A beauty filter camera with dreamy effect, to re understand the world and you. Open the Xiaohongshu camera, record and share the real you, and let your vlog become the existence of the red fans all over the world![Label Sticker] A large number of labels are free to mark. The location, brand and topic cover all aspects of food, travel, entertainment, film and television variety, fashion matching, beauty and skin care, marking life anytime and anywhere; Decorate with cute funny or strange stickers to make daily life lively and wonderful! [Global Goodies] Through the data of community, carefully select the most fashionable, most useful and most novel popular products for young people; Gather domestic and foreign or well-known niche brands, and take you to find good things in the world. Download the Xiaohongshu app quickly and find the good life you want with beautiful and interesting young people all over the world!...
📚 Himalaya, a brainchild of Ximalaya 喜马拉雅, is an inspirational content app,...
With more than 150 Million users worldwide, KakaoTalk is a messenger app...
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