With Team on the Run NFC Tag Writer, automate tasks and save time to your team
Team on the Run NFC app is an application to program any action or repetitive task on your NFC tags. Offer to your team an easy way to automate and perform their tasks, allowing them to save time and be more productive. When your team scan a NFC tag, you can be notified by a message including the date/time and location from where the action has been performed. Based on these NFC messages, generate reports on the tasks done by your team from your Team on the Run Webchat account.
This application only works for Team on the Run customers. Before using the application, make sure your company has already created an account on www.teamontherun.com. Only adminstrators of your Company account can login to the app and write tags.
Main features :
- Definition of tag templates
- Customization of NFC tag content based on templates
- Access to predefined templates : Team on the Run User account Login/Logout
- Definition of recipients for NFC message.
- Timestamp of the action/task
- Geolocation of users included in the NFC message
- Auto-sending of NFC messages
- Checking of NFC tag content
- Generation of reports for one user or multiple users based on NFC messages.
For questions and or support, please contact support@teamontherun.com
Subscribe on www.teamontherun.com and get started in 5 minutes, for Free!
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