Klub Absolwentów AEI to aplikacja dedykowana absolwentom wydziału Automatyki Elektroniki i Informatyki Politechniki Śląskiej. Zarejestruj się, jeżeli ukończyłeś wydział AEI i chcesz utrzymać kontakt z jego społecznością. Twoja obecność w aplikacji to okazja do nawiązywania kontaktów biznesowych oraz towarzyskich z innymi wychowankami wydziału, podejmowania nowych inicjatyw oraz świadomego rozwoju kariery zawodowej.
Aplikacja to także źródło informacji o bieżących wydarzeniach związanych z wydziałem oraz uczelnią. W aplikacji zarejstrować się mogą osoby które są studentami, pracownikami wydziału, ukończyły studia licencjackie, magisterskie lub doktoranckie na wydziale AEI.
Alumni Club AEI is an app dedicated to graduates of the Faculty of Automatic Control Electronics and Computer Science at the Silesian University of Technology. Register if you've graduated from AEI and want to keep in touch with his community. Your presence in the application is an opportunity to establish business and social contacts with other wards of the faculty, take up new initiatives and conscious career development.
This app is also a source of information on current events related to the faculty and the university. You can be register for this app if you are a students, employee of the faculty, or graduated from undergraduate, graduate or doctoral studies at the AEI faculty.
1. Tell us a bit about yourself
You tell us your goals (e.g. socializing, find job opportunities, find a co-founder or mentor etc.) and we suggest to you people (you don’t know yet) that can help you achieve them. While you are sleeping, the AEI Alumni app is busy discovering profiles that match to yours!
2. See matches
Our algorithm takes your location, your goals, your industry, your interests and the ways you prefer to meet - and we suggest you the members who are a good match.
To make interaction easier, we’ll tell you for each profile the reasons you should connect.
3. Chat and meet
Once you are connected with your matches, you can chat and organise in-person meetings.
This app helps you create valuable new connections with professionals who can accelerate your career, and you theirs.
The days of crossing your fingers and wishing that you could grow your network are over.
It’s time to build relationships with the fellow AEI alumni you should know.
Also available in this app:
Premium Subscriptions
• Browse 100 suggested profiles per day
• Unlimited meeting requests
• Change your location so you can see matched profiles in other locations
€9.99 monthly, €59.99 annually
Price may vary by location. Subscriptions will be charged to your credit card through your iTunes account. Your subscription will automatically renew unless canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. You will not be able to cancel the subscription once activated. Manage your subscriptions in Account Settings after purchase.
The AEI Alumni app is powered by Lounjee.
Privacy Policy: http://lounjee.com/privacypolicy
Terms of Service: http://lounjee.com/termsandconditions
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