EcocanApp re-imagines how we protect ourselves from harmful counterfeit products, while recycling used packaging.
Before purchase, authenticate genuine products by scanning ECOCAN security codes printed on the labels. You’ll instantly receive a positive ‘authenticated’ message if the product is genuine, and you’ll also see how much deposit money you will get when you recycle the used packaging.
If the product is fake, you will receive a ‘verification failed’ error alert. Do not buy such counterfeit products!
After enjoying your drink, use the map feature to navigate to the nearest collection point, to recycle your empties.
Identify yourself to the collection Agent or RVM by showing your unique ECOCAN ID, hand over your empties, and receive your deposit refund digitally into your ECOCAN wallet.
Spend your refunds on retail purchases, cash out to your other digital wallets, donate to charity or transfer it to friends. All paperless. And most sustainable
The more products you authenticate and the more empties you recycle, the bigger the rewards and extra discounts you’ll get
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