■ Current Weather
Weatheri provides you with information of 3,773 regions' weather condition for 11 days in the Korea.
Also Weatheri inform you current weather and feeling weather compared to the weather condition of yesterday.
You can know information of about 27,000 regions' weather condition in the world, too.
Using GPS-on, you select your location automatically.
■ Precipitation Alarm
If Weatheri senses the precipitation of the points within 10km from the regions which you select, Weatheri will push the alarm to your mobile phone.
Of all men, you can notice the precipitation although you stay indoors.
■ Warning Alarm
If Korea Meteorological Administration announces warning of heavy weather, Weatheri will push the alarm to your mobile phone.
This service helps you to cope with meteorological disasters, quickly.
Besides, Weatheri provides you with warning of heavy weather, typhoon information, images of satellite and radar, dust concentration and UV Index in the Korea.
특징웨더아이 골프지수 스마트폰 어플리케이션(이하 “골프지수” 어플리케이션)은 날씨 정보를 활용하여 국내 골프장의 골프지수와...
□ ‘SeaStory300M’ is the mobile application of ‘SeaStory300’(www.seastory300.com).□ ‘SeaStory300M’ provides you with...
특징웨더아이 골프지수 스마트폰 어플리케이션(이하 “골프지수” 어플리케이션)은 날씨 정보를 활용하여 국내 골프장의 골프지수와...
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