BYMOV is an exchange and trading, buy & sell App based on 100% video content.
BYMOV is an Marketplace free 100% video of adds
Shooting your articles to sel lit or clic on a item to buy it and that instantly
Thank to the video, your articles will be highlighted and therefore sold quickly
With BYMOV, vous can watch all your articles of your choice on vidéo of 20 seconds. You can buy and sell new or used articles, near you home thank to gelocation system.
BYMOV is a marketplace offering a big number of categories of products on the lifestyle, the fashion, the haute couture, the technology, the cars and a lot of others things. You can for exemple easily orgonize your vide dressing or garage sale etc..
The buyers will can easy make theirs shopping thank to the multitude of categories that BYMOV offers, find products of all luxury brands for your wardrobe.
If you are addict of the fashion, find good plans, like a pant Zara, or a smartphone Iphone, Samsung and even may be buy a handbag Gucc, Louis Vuitton to finish with a good deal on a pair of sneakers Nike or Adidas. You can find an used vehicles or an appartment thank to better experience
BYMOV is also a social network where you can follow the trends of users, you can chat to buy or sell and even to make friends
BYMOV is a marketplace in which all person can submit a sales announcement of item news or used on video form of 20 seconds. These videos will be visible to a large number of buyers. BYMOV allows access to a wide variety of products : Men’s Apparel, Women’s Apparel, Smartphone, Home, Decoration, Real Estate, Multimedia, Vehicles, Kids, Leisure.
Vous can improve your research by brands, etc.. and also thank to subcategories such as : beauty, fashion accessories, jewerly, clothes, watches or even computer, television, audio speaker, video games throught the art of the table, the decoratives object, the furniture, children’s toys, the music, books or sport
You should indicate a title for your article on sale, some keywords.
Your video should highlight the article. A difference is made when you add comments, a PITCH to highlight your article.
Once the application has been downloaded and after creating your profile, scroll through the categories subcategories on the home page you are interested in, or select the name of the article in the search bar.
Once the article is found, view the video, click on the information sheet (More information) in which the product details are located. Use the internal messaging system to talk to the seller. BUT do not give your personal contact details.
Go into the conversation with the user in question, type in the top right on the three points and type block user.
If you want to unlock a user, go into the conversation, tap on the three unblock points.
After viewing the video of an article of interest, once can get in a dialogue at the bottom of the screen, in the messaging located on the video. Buyers can contact sellers for information. For security reasons, please use only Bymov internal messaging. Don’t give your phone number at the 1st appointment.
Password: If you cannot log in: check your password, use “password forgotten” so that you receive an email for your password reinitialization. Then close the application and re-launch it. We can be contacted at “contact us”.
Registration problem: check that the password is correct or go to [email protected]
If there is a Bug, contact us at: [email protected], type “technical problem” and send your comment.
User problem: If an item or a person does not comply with Bymov's regulations, go to the video of the article in question and tap on the three points at the top right by clicking on “report the video”. If you have suffered an injustice by a user please report it to us in order to carry out our investigation. To do this, please explain the reasons to [email protected].
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