تبجيل app rewards you with a rewards program designed specifically for you.
Experience more & pay less:
Our offers aren't just one-time deals; they're ongoing discounts that you can enjoy time and time again!
Discover a plethora of exclusive offers and limitless coupons across a wide range of sectors, including restaurants, cafes, entertainment venues, sports clubs, gift shops, and online retailers, all conveniently available in one free app!
More than 2000 offers await you:
Make smart shopping choices with the تبجيل and enjoy discounts on your purchases from over a 1000 local and international brands throughout the Kingdom.
Online codes, coupons and discounted vouchers:
تبجيل brings you the best online codes, coupons and vouchers for several brands and online stores and you can buy them more than once! And at any time!
Rewards program:
تبجيل not only helps you save money with every purchase but also rewards you with points that can be redeemed for products within the app.
Saving history:
Easily track the total savings from our offers each time you access the app with our Savings History feature.
Your go-to guide before stepping out:
Discover everything you need to know about the brand conveniently in one place: from their location and customer service details to their social media accounts and additional information—all accessible within the app!
تبجيل App is powered by SDC App.
Our offers are endless, and you'll always find the latest updates on our social media accounts @sdcappsa.
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