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About War Spell: Team Tactics RPG

Get exclusive early access to "War Spell" by downloading now, and claim for FREE 20 Summoning Crystals, the rare mage Quip, diamonds, gold, energy potions, hero EXP potions, and more!

The land of Vathria was once home to numerous races and groups who co-existed peacefully. As of late, however, the gods have departed, kings are in conflict, demons are invading, and all kinds of forces are beginning to stir under the surface. It's time for warriors like you to rise up!

Sensing that chaos is upon us, you have decided to take a stand. Recruit your heroes and train them to fight against evil! Collect the four legendary gems—the Holy, Arcane, Life, and Shadow Gems—to summon the power of the Holy Sword! Join us now and bring peace to Vathria!

▶Game Features
- Recruit heroes with unique skills from all walks of life.
- Train your heroes and unravel their stories.
- Strategically create your very own team for battle, defeat enemies and claim victories.
- Engage in thrilling 3D battles and enjoy beautifully drawn artwork.
- Experience a fully-fledged story and discover Vathria's deepest secrets.
- With a worldwide community, join guilds and challenge bosses together.
- Engage in PvP battles and best your opponents for glory.
- Participate in rich in-game events and receive lots of free goodies!

"War Spell" is a free epic fantasy RPG mobile game. You can recruit legendary heroes, develop the strongest team, experience a grandiose storyline, participate in thrilling 3D battles, and engage in PvP battles with players worldwide. There are also plenty of free gifts and ongoing events for you to enjoy!

Follow War Spell's official Facebook page to participate in exciting events organized by our team, and receive even more gifts and important updates to our game.

☞ Official Website:
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☞ YouTube:

Encounter an issue in-game?
You can count on us for any game-related issues! Contact us via the in-game GM CHAT button or via the email below.
☞ Contact us: [email protected]
We value every player's feedback and appreciate your support.

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Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is "War Spell"?

"War Spell" is a free epic fantasy RPG mobile game where you can recruit legendary heroes, develop the strongest team, experience a grandiose storyline, participate in thrilling 3D battles, and engage in PvP battles with players worldwide.

How can I download "War Spell"?

You can download "War Spell" by visiting our official website or by searching for it on your mobile device's app store.

What rewards can I get by downloading "War Spell"?

By downloading "War Spell" now, you can claim exclusive early access rewards which include 20 Summoning Crystals, the rare mage Quip, diamonds, gold, energy potions, hero EXP potions, and more.

What is the storyline of "War Spell"?

The land of Vathria was once home to numerous races and groups who co-existed peacefully. However, chaos has ensued with the departure of the gods, conflicts among kings, demon invasions, and various forces stirring beneath the surface. As a warrior, it is your time to rise up, recruit heroes, and train them to fight against evil. Collect the four legendary gems—Holy, Arcane, Life, and Shadow Gems—to summon the power of the Holy Sword and bring peace to Vathria.

Can I participate in PvP battles in "War Spell"?

Yes, you can engage in PvP battles and challenge other players worldwide for glory in "War Spell".

How can I resolve any game-related issues in "War Spell"?

If you encounter any issues in-game, you can contact us using the in-game GM CHAT button or by emailing us at [email protected]. We value every player's feedback and will assist you with any game-related issues.