Preservation from the evil eye and envy is a specialized application that provides a collection of supplications and supplications that help
Protection from the evil eye and envy is a specialized application that provides a collection of supplications and supplications that help protect oneself and others from the evil eye and envy, and gives you spiritual security and trust in God. This application includes high-quality images containing supplications to protect the body and mind from the evils of the eye and envy, in addition to supplications to protect you from harm.
The application includes supplications taken from the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, such as the supplication “O God, I seek refuge in You from the evil of what He created,” the supplication “I seek refuge in the perfect words of God from the evil of what He created,” and other supplications that provide protection and blessing. The images are designed in an elegant and attractive way, and you can easily download and share them with friends and family.
The application features an easy-to-use interface and works smoothly on all devices. The content is updated regularly to provide new supplications and distinctive designs that meet the needs of users.
Make the remembrance of God a protective shield for you from envy and the evil eye with the application of protection from the evil eye and envy, and enjoy a life full of peace and tranquility.
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