Alphabet Pronunciation Guide: Learn accurate pronunciation of Korean letters to get your speaking off to a strong start.
Detailed Word Explanations: Get English translations for each word, including example sentences to help you understand usage in real contexts.
Word Fragment Insights: Master frequently used word fragments and expand your vocabulary easily.
Interactive Quizzes: Deepen your understanding of Korean vocabulary through quizzes that put words into various sentence contexts.
Listening Practice: Listen to native pronunciations of words and example sentences, improving your comprehension and speaking skills.
Autoplay Mode: Sit back and listen as the app guides you through essential vocabulary and examples—perfect for passive learning anytime, anywhere.
Grammar Content: Familiarize yourself with over 360 Korean particles and word endings, gaining a practical understanding of Korean grammar.
Whether you're new to Korean or looking to boost your vocabulary, K-Word Boost makes learning fun, interactive, and effective. Ideal for preparing for Korean language tests like TOPIK or EPS TOPIK.
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