Readyactive offers everything you need to manage your everyday tasks. It is easy to use and includes three motivation modes that help you to get your tasks done.
Key Features
Ease of Use: By focusing on everyday life, Readyactive is much easier to use than many to-do list apps (that are more like full-blown project management tools).
Reoccurring Tasks: Everyday life is full of reoccurring tasks. Accordingly, Readyactive has powerful ways to configure reoccurrence.
Motivation Modes: It's one thing to write down all your to-dos. But it's another thing to start working on them. To help with this, Readyactive has a built-in motivation feature (see below).
Optional Cloud Sync: You are not forced to sync your data with the cloud. If you do, your data is kept safe and will not be used for any other purposes.
Motivation Modes
Intervals: Alternate between 25 minutes of concentrated work and 5-minute breaks until all selected tasks are complete.
Timer: Measure the time you need to complete all selected talks.
Countdown: Try to stay below your estimated time to complete the selected tasks.
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