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About Perlina TV

Dan huwa ċ-ċans biex it-tfal jitgħallmu l-Malti billi jaraw kontenut awdjoviżiv kompletament bil-Malti!


Huwa fatt li fuq pjattaformi diġitali u fid-dinja televiżiva b’mod wiesa’, hemm nuqqas kbir ta' kontenut għat-tfal bil-lingwa Maltija, speċjalment għal dawk ta' età żgħira. It-tfal qed ikollhom jirrikorru għal kontenut bl-Ingliż, u għaldaqstant qed ikunu iktar familjari ma' din il-lingwa milli mal-Malti.


Din hija pjattaforma b'kontenut kompletament bil-Malti għal tfal ta’ etajiet differenti. Lit-tfal se ndaħħluhom f'dinja kkulurita b'eroj jitkellmu bil-Malti, waqt li nirrakkontawlhom ħrejjef dwar prinċipessi, avventuri bl-annimali, u ħafna stejjer maġiċi, filwaqt li ngħaddulhom informazzjoni dwar ġugarelli ġodda. Kontenut ġdid se jkun qiegħed dejjem jiżdied minn ġimgħa għall-oħra.

L-għan hu li t-tfal isibu l-istess kwalità ta' kontenut li jsibu fuq pjattaformi barranin, u permezz ta’ din il-pjattaforma jkunu esposti iktar għall-ilsien Malti waqt li jiddevertu fl-istess ħin.


Finally an audio-visual platform that is exclusively for children in the Maltese language!


The lack of Maltese educational content for children on digital platforms and on television in general has pushed parents towards foreign content, particularly that which is broadcast in English; the language that the younger generation seems to be embracing fully, whilst forgoing the opportunity to learn the mother language.


Perlina TV is a digital platform, exclusively created for children of different age groups, intended to entertain and educate them through the Maltese language. Children will be exposed to an entertaining world full of colourful characters, Maltese speaking superheroes, the narrating of fairy tales, animal adventures and other magical stories. New content will be added every week.

Ultimately, the goal is for children to be entertained through Maltese audio-visual content with the same quality available on foreign platforms.

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