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About Otodriver - Berita dan Review Mobil

Kami menyajikan ulasan produk dan berita mengenai roda empat di Indonesia maupun mancanegara. OtoDriver juga menjadi referensi teratas dalam mengambil keputusan sebelum membeli mobil.

Melalui video review, Anda dengan mudah menikmati ulasan berbagai model dan jenis mobil. Baik kelemahan maupun kelebihan berbagai mobil kami sajikan dengan visual yang terbaik.

Berbagai berita mobil baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri juga selalu up to date setiap hari. Mulai dari isu mobil baru, tips sampai teknologi tersaji setiap hari di OtoDriver selama 24 jam non-stop.


Various types of car reviews presents completly.
Various news car articles, tips and autos issues update everyday.
OtoDriver becomes complete guidance every car owners.

We present product reviews and news all about car in Indonesia and international. OtoDriver also become top of the top reference in making decision before buying a car.

With video review, you can enjoy various model and types car reviews. We present both the weaknesses and strengths of various cars with the best visuals.

Various car news are also always up to date every day. Starting from the issue of new cars, tips to technology presented every day at OtoDriver for 24 hours non-stop.

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Untuk foto2nya bisa di klik dan diperbesar lebih mantap lagi kayaknya Untuk yang komparasi2 dibikin tabelnya biar lebih mudah ngeliat komparasinya dong hehe..
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