Apply your favorite color to the dedicated scroll, and then scan with this application, there will be a variety of marine life flying into the application through AR (extended reality). Answer arithmetic questions, feed creatures and let them grow! This is an application that can cultivate aesthetic feeling through painting, and enable primary school students of grade 1 and grade 2 to carry out addition and subtraction exercises in the nursery. From kindergarten to primary school students can learn happily.
This product does not collect any personal information. It does not collect...
This is the latest version.The Oregon Scientific Weather@Home Bluetooth weather series offers...
Weather+ sensor provides live data of indoor/outdoor temperature and humidity level. Stay...
PERFECTGLOBE-AR"はAR(Augmented Reality/拡張現実)技術をベースにした新しい地球儀の体験が出来るアプリケーションです。このアプリでPERFECTGLOBE EXARをスキャンすると、3Dや2Dの恐竜や動物及び昆虫などのARが球体上の関連する場所に飛び出してきて、さらにそのARの詳しい情報をアプリ上で楽しく学ぶことが出来ます。ARを使って地球儀の学習体験が出来る次世代アプリケーションです。...
This is the latest version.This is a smart clock, we can setting...
This is the latest version.Oregon Scientific Global Distribution Limited air quality testing...
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