Odia Rasiphala app brings you Rasi Phala. Odia Rasiphala app can be used as a daily reference app for people who uses Rasiphala as a guiding factor for their day to day work including determining good times, bad times, good days, etc.
app help you with Daily horoscope, weekly horoscope, Monthly horoscope, Annually horoscope You Can Also Check Shubh Muhurta, Shubh Samaya, Shubh Colour by your Zodiac Constellation.
In ππ‘ππ π²π ππ‘ππ―π’π¬π‘π²π app you also found suitable time for marriage , brataghara and many other occasion for Hindu rituals in Odia.
In this Shubh Muhurat Panjika, you can get a result such as local panjika or Odisha panjika.
You can select any date and get information for that particular date.
Most of the festival dates of Hindu are added in this calendar with English date.
Daily Wish Which Help You To Start You day with more effective. In ππ‘ππ π²π ππ‘ππ―π’π¬π‘π²π app you can know Rasifala for free.
Sunrise, Sunset, Moon rise, Moon set, Sun sign and Moon sign , Good Time , Bad Time , Tarasudhi , Grahasthithi , Barabela , Kalabela , Kalaratri , Rahukala , Gulikakala , Jamaganda , Satrkata, Tithi, paksha, yoga, karana, nakshatra and vaar.
You Can Find good time date by date and some other important thing in subha muhurta in odia. which help you find suitable time.
Make your own birth chart and it is explained in detail so that you do not have to visit astrologers again and again.
Mangal Dosh / Kuja Dosham, Kaal Sarp Dosha, career & business reports, Gem recommendation, Jupiter transit report, etc.
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Its Not Free Its Take Some Charge.
We fall asleep at night after work all day in our daily lives. We also have some dreams. However, we all do not know exactly what the significance of the dream we saw at night and why this dream came true in our lives, what can be the cause, I am telling you through this app today.
Hindu Muhurat Bibaha Panigrahana Hindu Muhurat Bratapanyana Namkarn Muhurat Nababadhu Prabesha Anaprasana Vivah Muhurat Debata gathana Mundan Muhurat Vahan Muhurat Nutan Bastra Paridhan Anprasad Muhurat
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