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About 無盡飛劍

Welcome to the fantasy world of "Endless Flying Sword"! This is a fun placement and development mobile game. Here, you will become a sword spirit master. By synthesizing various powerful swords, you can repel endless enemies and experience the thrill of cutting grass and killing enemies and the sense of accomplishment of upgrading your sword🌟.

Placement and development: The game adopts a relaxed placement and development gameplay. Players continuously upgrade their levels by synthesizing multiple swords. The sword will fly automatically and attack the invading enemies⚔️. Even when offline, the sword will continue to fight and grow, allowing you to enjoy the game anytime, anywhere.
Sword synthesis: Through a simple drag and drop operation, two swords of the same level can be synthesized into a more advanced sword🔗. The synthesized sword has stronger attack power and higher flying speed, helping you easily cope with various challenges.

game battle
Main level: The game has a rich main level, each level has unique enemies and challenges🛡️. As the level progresses, the enemy's strength will gradually increase, testing the player's strategy and sword combination ability.
Secret level: In addition to the main level, "Endless Flying Sword" also has a mysterious secret level🕵️. In the secret realm, players will face stronger enemies and richer rewards🏆. Secret levels not only test players' combat skills, but are also an important way to obtain rare resources and sword materials.

Game features
Defeat massive enemies: Defeat massive enemies coming like a tide and enjoy the thrill of killing enemies like mowing grass🌊.
Hundreds of levels: There are hundreds of levels in the game, and a wide variety of enemies are waiting for players to challenge. Each level has unique enemies and mechanisms, making the game full of freshness🔄.
Sense of achievement in developing swords: By synthesizing and upgrading swords, you can feel the great sense of achievement and significant improvement in combat effectiveness brought by developing swords🚀.

Are you ready to become the legendary sword spirit master? Come to the world of "Endless Flying Sword", start your adventure, synthesize powerful swords, and protect the peace and tranquility of the world! 🗡️✨

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