🇧🇷 The Unroll Brazil Program makes it possible to renegotiate the debts of Brazilians and benefits the population that has a negative name. Get to know the 📱 informative guide application Unroll Brazil federal government.
Desenrola Brasil is the Delinquent Credit Renegotiation Program, created by the Federal Government, with the objective of recovering the credit conditions of Debtors who have negative debts. Download the 📱 informative guide application Desenrola Brasil limpa nome and discover everything you need.
Individual debtors with a gross monthly income of up to two (2) minimum wages or who are registered in the Single Registry of Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico) may negotiate their debts at a discount. Download the 📱 informative guide application Desenrola Brasil federal government to be informed of everything about Desenrola Brasil.
Debts that have been negative from 2019 to 2022, and whose updated value is less than R$ 20 thousand, may be renegotiated.
The Desenrola Brasil Platform provides the list of debts that can be negotiated in the Program, the discount offered by the Creditor and the respective situation of each of them. All of this accessible quickly and securely with your gov.br account. With the 📱 Desenrola Brasil 2023 information guide you will be informed at all times.
Negotiations are carried out completely digitally, with intuitive and fast navigation, guaranteeing agility, comfort and convenience for the settlement of your debts. Consult everything you need in the 📱 informative guide Desenrola Brasil Banco do Brasil.
What will you find in the 📱 Desenrola Brasil Information Guide application?
📚 I still don't have an account on gov.br. Will I be able to continue negotiating my debts?
All you have to do is register in the gov.br system, increase your account level to gold or silver and then you will be able to access the Desenrola Portal.
How can I log in to the Desenrola Brasil portal?
You will be able to access the Unwind Portal through your gov.br account. By clicking on "Log in with gov.br", make your identification by entering your CPF and password for your government account. Additionally, on first access you will need
Accept the Terms of Use of the platform
Register a mobile phone number 📱 and email address 📧
Confirm your contact details by entering a code received on your phone 📱 and another in your email 📧
Log in with gov.br
What is the Federal Government's Desenrolla Brasil Program?
🇧🇷 Desenrola Brasil is a Government Program that has a specific target audience and aims to recover clients' credit conditions, enabling payment with differentiated conditions.
Where can I check the amount of my income considered in the Desenrola Brasil limpa nome program?
Income consultation can be done through government portals such as: My INSS, Digital Work Card or CadÚnico. However, the amount considered for eligibility in the program must be the average between January and May 2023.
*DISCLAIMER: This app is not affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by the government. Our application is designed to provide easy access to public information offered by the government.
Data source: 🌐 https://www.portaltransparencia.gov.br/api-de-datos
DECREE N° 8,777, OF MAY 11, 2016: 📜 http://www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/_ato2015-2018/2016/decreto/D8777.htm
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