Collectively is a fully opened system (insights into the source code of the application is publicly available) which enhances the communication between the residents of the given locality. The available services (the web application and the mobile application for the devices with Android) allow the users browsing, as well as sending the different types of remarks about things that are important for them. It could be e.g. litter in a public area, broken traffic lights, petition for planting the trees in a particular place or praise about something that we really like or enjoy. We do not focus just on the issues, but also on the positive aspects of the place where we live in.
The goal of the platform is the society activation, taking care of the common goods and the local environment, and finally engaging different companies and public institutions (for example our first partner became the ZZM in Krakow). Let’s imagine the following scenario - we’re sending a remark about the litter left in some inappropriate place.
Such remarks could be either received by one of the ZZM employees, or by a regular user of the application, who decided to clean up the garbage on his own. As the application starts to grow, we’re aiming for more engagement from the users and the next integration with the interesting subjects, in order to take care of the local environment together with its inhabitants. It’s a step in the direction of Society 2.0.
Collectively has been developed for over a year now as an open source project. It results in the full transparency of the solution (the users are fully aware what’s happening with the data within the application) and enables the opportunity to engage everyone who’s willing to help with the development. Currently, the project has been developed by the team of a few members, who are part of the so-called teal organization Noordwind.
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