When you want to follow more news, open our app so you can discover stories that matter to you.
Local news
Broadcast various things happening in the local area. Stay up-to-date with the latest news and top stories in your city.
News you care about
You can easily read the news modules you care about.
Daily headlines
Browse the most commented or most read content in chronological order. Quickly read and easily understand news, sports, finance, entertainment, health and more.
Download it and you can get news anytime, anywhere.
Disclaimer (for publishers)
Local News is a content/RSS feed aggregator whose main goal is to make it easier to get fresh stories and help publishers reach a larger audience. If you are a news publisher, please read the following:
Contact us via email: [email protected]
Official website: www.newshounds.live
If your website is listed on our application, this means that we are using your RSS feed and we believe fair use is beneficial to you and our users. However, if you would like us to remove your site, please contact us and we will do so as soon as possible.
• If your website is listed and you would like it to become a trusted source on our app which will provide you with more visibility and traffic, please contact us.
• If your website, newspaper or blog is not listed, please contact us to have it added, this will enhance our offering.
Experience stronger faith, peace, encouragement, a better prayer life and transform your...
This is a simple app that provides the ability to sync location...
Our app provides you with professional weather forecasts, you can receive official...
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