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我把勇者人生活成了肉鴿 Screenshot 0
我把勇者人生活成了肉鴿 Screenshot 1
我把勇者人生活成了肉鴿 Screenshot 2
我把勇者人生活成了肉鴿 Screenshot 3
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About 我把勇者人生活成了肉鴿

The fifth game we launched is still a Roguelike adventure game, designed from a very attractive idea: what would it feel like to fit the life of an adventurer into a level full of randomness, where his biography is pieced together by each random event? This adventurer comes from a humble background, has a rebellious character, experienced a memorable first love, joined the Assassins Guild and the Order of the Holy Flame, gathered the courage to defeat his lifelong nemesis, saved the world from the Black Death, and ultimately died in a great battle defending the castle. As he lay dying, reminiscing over his life, he couldn't help but tear up. We spent more time on this game than all the others combined, as it was worth our utmost efforts. In the development, we have come to appreciate the greatness and preciousness of life and hope all who play this game will feel the same.

The main gameplay is about narrative experience and battle strategy construction. Besides the endless builds of allies and skills, there's much to explore in life events, including main and side quests, puzzles, card duels, and development. The game's storyline has already surpassed 20 episodes (5 story packs), each a life-spanning epic. You can live out the life of an assassin leader, a famous detective, a king, a regicide, a prince consort, a mercenary hero, a vengeful spirit, a minstrel, and more, or even carve out your unique medieval life. Moreover, the game doesn't require grinding for materials or coins, though it is relatively challenging, demanding high standards for achieving perfect or flawed endings.

Our future expansion plans include optimizing the game and completing the remaining story packs, with characters like a healing doctor and a swashbuckling pirate, along with many new ally cards, battle skill cards, adventure skill cards, and equipment cards. We will continue to update as long as the game is loved. And we will design more fun games (likely rogue-lite), as nothing can stop us as long as we live.

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