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About It's a Small RomanTick World

□■ What kind of game is "It's a Small RomanTick World"? ■□
SRTW is a time-traveling mystery adventure that features beautiful illustrations and celebrity voice actors that are sure to make your heart race!

□■ An adventure and romance that makes your heart flutter ■□
It all begins in a single room. The main character of the story meets what used to be her beloved pet dog. They ride on the time machine to go an adventure to solve the mystery of her missing parents.
You will meet various handsome men who hold the important "keys" of their time periods...
Will you choose adventure? Or heart-racing romance?

□■ Meet the unique, handsome men around the world ■□
The Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, Medieval European knight, an astronomer of Joseon... The men you encounter will be from different eras and social classes, and they all have unique personalities.
You are sure to have a sweet, romantic time with the one you like!

□■ Room customization ■□
You can get items and clothes that represent the era you visit.
You can customize your room with your favorite items that you've collected!

□■ Simple by addictive mini games ■□
The key to defeating the Enemies is cooperative attack with your man! The dungeons are filled with features that you can spend hours on. You will be able to get various items by playing simple games in the dungeons!

□■ Celebrity Voice Actors ■□
Ryota Osaka / Makoto Furukawa / Yusuke Shirai / Kodai Sakai / Others

□■ Official Information ■□
【Official Website】
【Official X Account】 @srtw_en

□■Terms of Use ■□

□■ PrivacyPolicy ■□

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