In a distant prehistoric era, a primitive tribe lived a simple and happy life in the dense jungle. However, this tranquil land was threatened by a group of fierce dragons who ravaged the tribe's territory, plundered their resources, and brought endless fear and destruction.
The player, as the chief of the tribe, decides to step up and lead the tribe's warriors in a life-and-death battle against the dragons. The dragons display terrifying power and ferocity, with their massive bodies and fierce flames putting immense pressure on the warriors. However, the chief leads the tribe's warriors with extraordinary courage and wisdom, employing superhuman tactics and strategies in intense combat against the dragons.
After intense battles, the tribe's warriors finally defeat the dragons, restoring peace and tranquility to the tribe. In the joy of victory, the primitive people of the tribe feel the power of unity and courage, cherishing even more the unity and harmony of the tribe, determined to protect this beautiful land together and live in peace with nature.
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