Feed Ayong and crack the task wall every day
Download the top 呱呱APP now, super satisfying to eat and play!
1. 阿勇養成遊戲:養成您的專屬阿勇,隨心所欲更換背景、服裝、寵物
2. 優惠券:天天餵食阿勇雞腿,驚喜優惠不定時放送
3. 消費升級:累積消費金額自動Level Up,免費餐點請您吃
4. 任務牆:跟著阿勇破解任務,神秘好禮立即領
5. 預約點餐:APP事先預約餐點,指定時間到達門市為您送上熱騰騰餐點
6. 餐廳位置:打開定位功能,即時找到距離最近的頂呱呱
7. 周邊商品:讓熱愛血拚的您第一時間買到頂呱呱週邊商品
8. 集團資訊:開啟推播通知,掌握頂呱呱最新訊息
Best Life Nutrition App: Check-in with the app, check rewards and more!
Cut the line & get rewards!
Cut the line & get rewards!
Ramadan food is the most delicious and delicious Ramadan food, during breakfast and suhoor
Order food online.
Order food online.
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