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About 喵星物語:放置型RPG

At the edge of the distant universe, a group of evil fish are preparing to invade the galaxy...
In the originally peaceful and peaceful galaxy, there live cats who are good at fishing. As long as they pick up a fishing rod, no matter how ferocious the fish are, they are definitely no match for the cats.
The "Meow Star Defense Force" responsible for managing the security of the galaxy observed an evil and powerful force surging towards the galaxy.
As a result, the "Cat Defense Force" began to call on the heroic cats living in every corner of the galaxy to prepare to fight against the evil fish army and maintain peace in the galaxy!


▶Use the fishing rod to defeat the evil forces invading the galaxy.

▶Infinitely strengthen the galactic cat, wear equipment and skills, and become the guardian cat on the planet!

▶In order to protect the galaxy, save the elements of earth, fire, wind and water to become partners, and form an alliance with the Guardian of the Stars to consolidate your own cat planet!

▶Uninterrupted adventure, it will be upgraded as you go! Even when taking a break, the cats never stop holding the fishing rod!


1. This game is classified as general level according to the game software classification management method.
2. This game is free, but the game also provides paid services such as purchasing virtual game coins and items. Please make appropriate purchases based on your personal interests and abilities.
3. Please pay attention to game time and avoid addiction. Playing games for a long time can easily affect your work and rest. It is advisable to take appropriate rest and exercise.

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