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About Manara Invoice

Manara Invoice application has many features that contribute to the ease of communication between the company and the delegates affiliates and can also keep track of each delegate through Manara Invoice.

When you load the application on the Android device in the beginning of the particular application icon appears, you must talk with the technical support department within lmanara to give them this code shown on the device to send the activation code where Manara Invoice activate the application on the device.

Manara Invoice system includes many features , including:

The possibility of a review of all customers who are within the path of the delegate.
The possibility of pay and catch payment to customer accountwho was selected in the distribution unit card.
Ease to control currency to be adopted in the batch and the possibility of recording a private note batch to be entered to distinguish them from other payments.
Search for specific customers by recording a particular name or by searching Find Right side where all the customers that have been entered in the current paths of Android device unit in almanara program.
The possibility of adding a new customer.
Full easily create bills with the quantities and price control.
The possibility of adding a certain value fordiscount and additions within the bill.
Control show or not to show some data to show customers within the track.
Control the display language on Android device.
The possibility of importing Android device settings and distribution unit of his whereabouts (remotely).
Traceability delegate and know his whereabouts.
Control with the period of time to export data to the program (either immediately or save and export data later time once).

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